
Test Case for a Tutoring Data Management Platform | Case Study

I recently became involved in a project to test a platform for managing data related to  tutoring classes. This cycle required running test cases to evaluate the features’ usability and explore any defects following an app upgrade.

The test took roughly two days to finish, and I conducted it using an iPhone 13, running iOS 16.1.


During testing, I encountered some difficulties with practically every program function. 

Login Authentication Failure

My login problems included the login process getting stuck in a loop while using Face ID or the correct credentials causing error messages. These issues affect the user’s ability to access the homepage directly; hence I tagged their severity as high. The expected scenario would be for the login process to verify users successfully and grant access to the app.

Translation Failures

Another issue I encountered was that when I changed the language, some pages remained in English instead of the selected language. This bug was marked with low severity. When users switch languages, the pages are expected to translate correctly.

Inaccessible Features 

I had trouble determining whether the features were accessible. For example, some weren’t available on the admin web page or the app, even though the test sheet indicated they should be tested.

Due to their potential to prevent users from using the functionality, these issues were tagged with high severity. The expected scenario would be for users to access features smoothly on both the web admin and the app without any issues.

Notification Failures

I sent messages via the admin web; however, I never received any alerts within the app.

This bug was tagged with moderate severity. The expected scenario would be for users to receive notifications promptly and accurately to stay informed about the app.

Edge Cases

While the app ran in the background, I encountered blank pages or non-functional features. This bug was tagged with high severity. The expected scenario would be for edge cases to access the pages and functionalities effectively and without trouble.

Test case complexity

I received a sheet of test cases when I accepted the invitation to participate in this project, and certain complex cases seemed confusing to me. I thus studied the specifications and the client’s answers to address any concerns.

A few situations employed acronyms to explain the reproduction steps. Consequently, I found it difficult to comprehend the descriptions’ requirements. To understand the significance of those abbreviations, I had to read customer feedback.


Applying a strategy for each challenge was essential for successful test execution. If I hadn’t determined the correct approach, I wouldn’t have been able to solve the difficulties, prolonging the test cycle.

Reporting bugs

I believe that reporting bugs benefits both me and the customers. It helps illustrate that it is a reproducible bug rather than a feature, and it assists customers in determining the severity of problems so they can be fixed quickly before release.

To produce a flawless report, I adhere to the manager’s instructions. The bug should include a correct concise title, steps to reproduce, an actual result and an expected result, devices, and attachments. 

Before submitting a bug report to a client, I normally reproduce the issue several times to ensure it occurs on my device every time. For the circumstances described above, I would close and reopen the app.

Even if the application still has errors, I would reinstall it to recover the features. In cases where the application crashed, I provided a video and attached a log file as evidence.

Additionally, I must regularly update other testers’ reports to ensure there is no duplicate content and to avoid rejection by managers. This also helps me maintain a high work performance percentage.

Following Test Cases

Following test cases allowed me to obtain a better grasp of the application and its features. Furthermore, it helped me spot faults in the app immediately and promptly report to the clients.

For complicated or misleading cases, I frequently read the tester’s instructions and the manager’s responses from the test chat. Furthermore, when test cases required the installation of older versions, I reviewed each customer’s feedback to verify the attached URLs.

In the end, all issues were handled, and I finished the assignment on time.

Personal development

This was my second time testing this platform, and this cycle involved a new version of the previous project. I made an effort to ensure that I did not miss any cases despite the sheer volume of required verifications. This enabled me to test more meticulously and manage my time more effectively to meet the deadline.

In addition, I became more skilled at testing various scenarios on a single screen and learning how to test the timeout session at various intervals. I think that this project will be beneficial to me in my role as a tester.

App Improvements

When I was recruited for this project, I attempted to find as many bugs as possible from the start. While exploring, I identified several problems that might significantly impact user accessibility, including login issues, app freezes, and error pages.

I believe these discoveries will help customers uncover issues and detect non-working functionality in the application. As a result, customers can improve them before releasing the program, making it more reliable for consumers.


I gained a lot of good experience while testing this new version, which has many more updated features than the previous one. It was extremely advantageous to my work as a tester and helped me feel more confident for future projects.

By sharing this, I intend to provide other testers with additional experience working on projects that are similar to mine.

Happy Testing!

About the tester

Katherine has two years of experience in manual QA at Tester Work. Her goal is to help customers address their issues through meticulous and high-quality testing.

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