
Testing isn’t for Everyone

Moses Eniola is a QA Software Tester with three years of experience in quality-assuring different websites and applications manually. He has helped in finding relevant content and visual bugs, engaged in many test cases for cycles, and took part in Usability Suggestions Tasks.
He’s a year three student of the Department of Linguistics, University of Ibadan with three years of experience in translation, language annotations, and sentence generation (both in English and Yoruba).

Finding out whether an application satisfies its stated business needs or not is done through software testing. Finding software flaws involves a process that seeks to deliver a high-quality product free from errors or flaws. Software testing requires a variety of talents, including high technical proficiency, effective written and verbal communication, and solid analytical and logical abilities.

A person should always have a positive attitude and be passionate about the field if they want to become a software tester. Software testing is not a career path that appeals to everyone. For some people, the QA field is a good one to pursue. For a variety of reasons, many people are not a good fit for this type of work.

Here are a few reasons many do not like software testing;
1. Time constraints and pressure: Strict timelines and time constraints are placed on the development of any software product. The testing process requires time, even while development and other tasks are finished quickly. The testing process is seen by many organizations as being slow and contributing to project stagnation. According to organizations, their inability to fulfill their goals is caused by the lengthy testing procedure. As a result, no one wants to be on a team that prevents the project from reaching a certain goal.
2. Different testing teams’ skill sets are unknown: Different testing teams are employed by an organization to test various software. All of this software is connected in some way. Different projects would call for various levels of subject knowledge. If the skill set of every tester is known, it can be very beneficial because various teams can assist other teams if there is a problem involving their area of expertise.
3. Pay Scale Is Low: A tester with medium experience does not earn as much as a coder with comparable experience. People, therefore, do not prefer to pursue careers that will not provide the necessary income. Testers are consistently thought to be one step ahead of developers. In general, developers make more money than testers with the same levels of experience. No one wants to live in a low-class community, thus they are unwilling to seek testing.
Both teams are integral to the whole process. Testers and developers collaborate as more businesses use methodologies like continuous integration and testing. There is only one SCRUM in Agile, hence there is no distinction between the development and test teams.
4. Giving unfavorable remarks: The task of the testers is to undermine the developer’s
code and show him or her to be mistaken, providing input on the software’s design. It is
necessary to break newly developed code during testing to identify its flaws. The tester
would not enjoy giving the team bad feedback, and the developers would not enjoy
hearing criticism of their development abilities.
5. More accountability: Finding out if the code is functional is the responsibility of the
tester, not the developer. Testing must be done to ensure that the code is correct and producing the desired results. The tester must ensure that the checking is being done appropriately; this is their obligation. Since the work that testers are doing is never explicitly stated anywhere, the project team always asks them what they are currently working on. Working on assignments created by the development team is what the testers do. Take into account that the development team has finished 20 tasks.
6. Testing personnel boredom: Testing repeatedly and repeatedly running regression packs The same test cases being run over and again might make software testers bored. Test-related activities begin to bore them. The teams responsible for testing are asked to adjust their priorities and concentrate on modernizing and altering test environments. It makes people lose focus and have to redo tasks. Finding flaws while running tests in dynamic contexts takes a lot of patience. Defects brought on by unstable conditions may or may not be connected to the tests being worked on.

To make sure that everyone is on the same page, the development and testing teams must collaborate. Regular meetings keep the process open and aid team members in staying on the same page about their deliverables. Testers that have clear objectives are better able to design and carry out test cases that focus on results and deliver goods on schedule.

Teams must produce thorough documentation that includes detailed project requirements to prevent missing out on important needs and project objectives. All through the project lifecycle, complete documentation will be used as a benchmark by QA teams.

Additionally, it will aid QAs in developing the most pertinent tests and understanding anticipated product outcomes.

The aforementioned straightforward query, “Why do many individuals dislike software testing?” is enlightening for both those who pursue software testing as a vocation and those who do not.

The user can better comprehend software testing by reading the aforementioned items from a different point of view. It also assists the individual who wants to pursue a career in software testing to know what is in store for him as he advances in this field.

If you already work in quality assurance, whether it’s automated or manual, be aware that you are one of the most crucial components of the business. The company is getting stronger and better every day thanks to your contribution.

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